Thank You for Attending!

A special thanks to our event sponsors and everyone who was able to attend our 8th Annual Golf Outing! We had over 100 golfers and social hour attendees on a perfect day. Golf, networking, good food, and even better people! It was a great way to kick off the summer, and we couldn’t have done it without you.

A special thank you to all who purchased a mulligan. We raised $890 for The Banquet of Sioux Falls.

We hope you had fun and look forward to seeing you next year! In the meantime, enjoy some of our favorite moments we captured from the event.

Save the Date (Meat Fest 09/28/2023)

Now that golf is done, it’s time to start thinking about MEAT! Our 12th Annual Meat Fest will be held Thursday, September 28, 2023, at our Sioux Falls office. More information will be coming soon!

A Few Photos from the Course

Team Photos

(Be sure to hover and click right to see your Team’s “creative” picture)

Team 1A – Kedik, Halvorson, Clemen, Ellering
Team 1B – Lane, Robinson, Kutz, Morford
Team 2A – Winters, Reif, Hamilton, Gottman

Team 3A – Wheeler, Breed, Wiebelhaus, DeWaard
Team 4A – Blom, Ashmore, Eggers, Self
Team 5A – McConnell, Ritchey, Clayborne, Laqua

Team 6A – Kedik, Cinco, Seward, Ohara
Team 7A – Olsen, Reiber, Fink, Hagberg
Team 7B – Metzger, Deters, Perrion, Noonan

Team 8A – Dudley, Carlstrom, Turgeon, Hyronimus
Team 9A – Klinkel, Bohmbach, Tabbert, Bierman
Team 10A – Anderson, Rogotzke, Brenner, Torkelson

Team 10B – Voigt, Smith, Geiver, Henderson
Team 11A – Danforth, Zekiri, Schmidt, Doucette
Team 12A – Buehler, Baumgartner, Zenk, Vukich

Team 12B – Hagel, Warrington, Ries, Wadsworth
Team 13A – Dudgeon, Kane, Dalchow, Spielmann
Team 14A – Surat, Volkamer, Plimpton, Horsted

Team 15A – Jump, Prince, Kasak, Jordanger
Team 16A – Williams, Dahmen, Roggatz, Schuurmans
Team 17A – Maki, Heisel, Meyer, Thayer

Team 18A – Savage, Miller, Bride, Nichols
Team 18B – Friesen, Hoy, Schnabel, Larson

Platinum Sponsor:

Gold Sponsors:

Silver Sponsors:

Bronze Sponsors:

