IT Services

Invest in IT capabilities that drive business results

At Xigent, we count IT success when your business measures success. Our IT consultants listen to your needs and goals to help you find right-fit IT capabilities that deliver more value to your business—without draining your budget.

Our IT Services

Whether you’re looking to increase your financial results, drive improved performance, or reduce risk, our experts are equipped to help you focus on IT activities that turn your goals into reality. Choose from a range of consulting services, managed IT services, and technology, knowing you have a trusted IT partner that doesn’t sell; we help you buy.

Managed IT Services

You grow your business; we’ll deliver improved IT capabilities that support your growth

Managed IT Services
IT Consulting Services

Add specialized expertise, process, and an improvement focus to your team

IT Consulting Services
Technology Solutions

Select, deploy, and sustain the right technology for your growing business

Technology Solutions

"There is no way internal staff doing this work a few hours a week or month can be as proficient and knowledgeable as someone who lives and breathes it every day."

Mark Shaw, CEO

OPTK Networks