Security Risk Assessments:
Identify & Address Vulnerabilities & Security Compliance Gaps

Xigent’s Security Risk Assessments ensure the cybersecurity framework you have in place works toward your business goals, not against them.

Identify Vulnerabilities and Gaps in Your Infrastructure

Conducting security risk assessments ensures a rich cybersecurity framework. These comprehensive assessments identify vulnerabilities and security compliance gaps to accelerate your cybersecurity defense against ever-evolving security threats.

Xigent’s Security Risk Assessments Analyze (but are not limited to) these Key Areas:

<h5>Administrative Controls</h5>

Administrative Controls

<h5>Physical Controls</h5>

Physical Controls

<h5>Internal Controls</h5>

Internal Controls

<h5>External Controls</h5>

External Controls

<h5>General IT Best Practices</h5>

General IT Best Practices

<h5>Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)</h5>

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

<h5>Incident Response Readiness</h5>

Incident Response Readiness

<h5>Data Backup & Recovery</h5>

Data Backup & Recovery

<h5>Endpoit Detection & Response</h5>

Endpoit Detection & Response

<h5>Email Security</h5>

Email Security

<h5>Security Awareness, Training, & Testing </h5>

Security Awareness, Training, & Testing

<h5>Vulnerability & Patch Management </h5>

Vulnerability & Patch Management

<h5>Password Management </h5>

Password Management

<h5>Cloud Storage & Security </h5>

Cloud Storage & Security

The Importance of these Key Areas

<h5>Administrative Controls</h5>

Administrative Controls

Revolve around security risk compliance within the organization. Administrative controls include awareness training, standards and procedures, guidelines and more.

<h5>Physical Controls</h5>

Physical Controls

Facility protection is commonly thought of as the most popular physical control. Facility protection includes locks, cameras, alarm systems, and other protections of your physical property.

<h5>Internal Controls</h5>

Internal Controls

Internal Controls are the protections set in place on your devices that deter cybercrime. These include anti-virus software, intrusion prevention, and multi-factor authentication.

External Controls

External controls ensure the protection of accounts that are not directly associated with your internal data, but still have access. These include social media, search engine indexes, vulnerability scanning, and more.

General IT Best Practices

Staying up to date on best practices within your company’s IT infrastructure is essential when dealing with evolving threats. IT best practices include following information security fundamentals that align with your business goals.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Strong multi-factor authentication (MFA) should be used for all connections, including remote network access and administrative access to information security products and services.

Incident Response Readiness

Cybersecurity risk management and mitigation of cybersecurity incidents heavily rely on effective incident response readiness. Comprehensive preparations of an organization’s resources, processes, and proper personnel are required to respond to and handle any potential attacks swiftly.

Data Backup & Recovery

Establishing a reliable backup plan is akin to having a safety net, ensuring valuable data protection and business operations continuity. Data backup and recovery are proactive measures against cyber risks and vulnerabilities such as data loss, hardware failures, cyber threats, or unforeseen incidents. By implementing regular data backups and effective recovery processes, businesses can mitigate potential disruptions and maintain data integrity while upholding their reputation and operational resilience.

Endpoint Detection & Response

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) is vital in cybersecurity risk management. It provides organizations with a powerful toolset to detect and respond to cyber threats targeting endpoints. By actively monitoring and analyzing endpoint activities, EDR solutions enable the timely identification of advanced threats and facilitate prompt incident response. Implementing EDR enhances an organization’s cybersecurity posture, helps meet compliance requirements, safeguards critical data, and fosters customer trust by proactively mitigating risks and staying vigilant against emerging threats.

Security Awareness, Training & Testing

Formal information security awareness, training, and education programs allow employees to be aware of their actions online. Training is most effective when established in line with your organization’s information security policies and relevant procedures. By instilling a culture of information security consciousness, organizations can strengthen their defense against evolving cyber threats, promote responsible behavior, and minimize security risks.

Vulnerability & Patch Management

Vulnerability scanning and patch management are essential for maintaining your organization’s information security. Vulnerability and patch management protect your organization from cyber threats by actively looking for weak spots in your software and systems. By implementing these solutions, organizations actively close security gaps and reduce the risk of cybercriminal activity.

Password Management

Organizations can significantly enhance their network security by implementing robust password management practices. Proper password management reduces the risk of unauthorized access to health information privacy (HIPAA) related documents, critical data breaches, and internal cyber threats. Password management also ensures compliance with industry regulations and standards.

Cloud Storage & Security

Cloud storage security measures, such as encryption, access controls, and regular compliance audits, are essential to safeguard your organization’s data. Implementing authentication mechanisms, like multi-factor authentication, adds an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access.

Take Control of Your Cybersecurity Today!

Xigent’s comprehensive Security Risk Assessments are designed to uncover vulnerabilities and strengthen your cyber defenses against the ever-changing landscape of cyber threats.


Xigent Security Risk Assessments

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