A special thanks to our event sponsors and everyone who was able to attend our 7th Annual Golf Outing! We had over 100 golfers and social hour attendees on a perfect day. Golf, networking, and good food, no better way to start the summer!

We are beyond thankful for your loyal partnership. We hope you had fun and look forward to seeing you next year! In the meantime, enjoy some of our favorite moments we captured from the event.

Team Photos

Team 1 – Blom, Kapoor, Geiver, Williams
Team 2 – Kutz, Morford, Prince, LaCombe
Team 3A – O’Reilly, Schroeder, Stover, Klinkel

Team 3B – Kedik, Horsted, Ellering, Lerach
Team 4 – Eggers, Ashmore, Ebbott, Van Beek
Team 5 – Dudgeon, Bahlmann, Eral, Dalchow

Team 7 – Hagel, Banuelos, Linehan, Durfee
Team 8 – Kingland, Maki, Gordon, Smith
Team 9 – Winteron, Bagley, Wheeler, Norbeck

Team 10 – Danforth, Heisel, Zekiri, Schnabel
Team 11 – Buehler, Warrington, Bunde
Team 12 – Blackwelder, Ries, Connelly, Steffes

Team 13 – Surat, Hanson, Cinco, Halvorson
Team 14 – Sutliffe, Smith, Jump, Bierman
Team 15 – Anderson, Friesen, Volkamer, Hyronimus

Team 16 – Titze, Kasak, Schmidt, Rehm
Team 17 – Bonnema, Luca, Olsen, Noeson
Team 18 – Halvorson, Pacheco, Dahmen, Deters

Platinum Sponsor:

Gold Sponsors:

Silver Sponsors:

Bronze Sponsors:

Blue Team Alpha

